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Ability to move the robot freely using RoboDK API (Force control)

so i have a universal robot UR5e and i am using roobdk, i wrote a python code to control the robot using the keyboard as an input and it works fine however i want a command to make the robot move freely and i cant seem to find such command on robodk API, i have done some research and found out that it is not supported!!
so my question is that, is there another way to approach this?
I tried making a script using the controller of the robot and then calling this script from robodk however i could not figure this out.
i am still new to robotic so i would appreciate any suggestions.
The Robot Pilot Plug-in for RoboDK allows you to move the robot by incremental steps from the GUI. These increments can be done with respect to the active coordinate system, the tool, or by joint increments.

This Plug-in complements the default robot panel in RoboDK by allowing you to move the robot the same way you can do with the teach pendant of a controller.
(05-23-2024, 08:55 AM)Sergei Wrote: The Robot Pilot Plug-in for RoboDK allows you to move the robot by incremental steps from the GUI. These increments can be done with respect to the active coordinate system, the tool, or by joint increments.

This Plug-in complements the default robot panel in RoboDK by allowing you to move the robot the same way you can do with the teach pendant of a controller.

thanks for the response, but that is not what i quietly want, i think my message was not clear, sorry for that.
what i want to know is that, is there a command to enable manual guidance mode or gravity compensation mode or freedrive_mode?? (these all have the same meaning but since each company has its own terms, i think it should be clear now).
for example in UR freedrive mode can be activated using the button on the teaching pendant or a script can be written to enable this mode but in python api i could not find such command.
i have read on the threads that such command is not supported but this was in 2019, so iam wondering if it exist now.
and if not, i tried making a script with the command i want using the teaching pendant and then calling this script with the "runcodecustom" command but it did not work.
i tried the code form this thread:
best regard 
Since RoboDK is robot-agnostic software, there are no specific functions in the RoboDK API related to force control, as this is implemented differently for each controller.

You can use the 'Insert Code' instruction to include brand-specific force control commands in your program.
(05-23-2024, 03:00 PM)Sergei Wrote: Since RoboDK is robot-agnostic software, there are no specific functions in the RoboDK API related to force control, as this is implemented differently for each controller.

You can use the 'Insert Code' instruction to include brand-specific force control commands in your program.

thanks a lot it worked!!
however i am facing another problem, basically in robodk when i send the program to the robot or use (ctrl + F6), it works, however when i run it normally it does not, i dont know if this is how it should be, but from what i understand is that i should sent the program first and then i should be able to run it normally.
because i wanna use python api to enable the force control, and i assigned a button on the keyboard to run this program however it is not working, i checked the log of the robot on the teaching pendant and i noticed that using python api and using this command "RunCodeCustom" in the log it says "program driverrobodk stopped" then it says it started, however when sending the program using robodk, it says "program Prog2 started"  (prog2 is my program).
so is there a way to fix this or is this normal, and if it is indeed normal, what is the command in python api to send the program to the robot.
best regards 
If you could share your station, it would help to better understand a possible issue.
(05-24-2024, 01:26 PM)Sergei Wrote: If you could share your station, it would help to better understand a possible issue.

I am using a Universal robot (UR5e) as stated in the first question.
best regard

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