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Error: No module named 'svgpy'

I need to import a .svg file into a drawing program. I have used the latest API from your website. However, it shows the error: 'No module names 'svgpy''. I am using the latest version of Python: January 2024 (v. 1.86) and RoboDK v5.6.7. 

Many thanks for your help and looking forward to it!

Best regards

Attached Files
.py (Size: 5.33 KB / Downloads: 106)
.py (Size: 632 bytes / Downloads: 111)
I recommend you to use the latest version of RoboDK and run the Python script from RoboDK. Alternatively, you should place this folder in your Python path:
C:\RoboDK\Library\Example-07.d-Drawing with a robot\svgpy
You can also simply copy/paste the svgpy folder to your current directory.
This Example-0.7-d-Drawing has been damaged in my computer; it shows the same error as my work. Could you please send me a link where I can redownload this example? thanx a lot.

I downloaded the sample from an online library titled: "Drawing with ABB IRB 4600-20/2.50". This sample works properly. However, when I replaced the SVG file with my own, this sample robot does not move at all. I just simply replaced the SVG file. Can you please help me identify what might be wrong?
You can simply reinstall RoboDK:
I have thought the same and performed the update yesterday and reinstalled the newest version today again :), but nothing has changed. The error shown from sample 7-Drawing with a robot is as follows:

=========== RESTART: C:\Users\linda\AppData\Local\Temp\ ==========
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Users\linda\AppData\Local\Temp\", line 126, in <module>
from svgpy.svg import *
File "C:\RoboDK\Python-Embedded\Lib\site-packages\shiboken2\files.dir\shibokensupport\", line 142, in _import
return original_import(name, *args, **kwargs)
File "C:\RoboDK\Library\Example-07.d-Drawing with a robot\svgpy\", line 3, in <module>
from .path import Path
File "C:\RoboDK\Python-Embedded\Lib\site-packages\shiboken2\files.dir\shibokensupport\", line 142, in _import
return original_import(name, *args, **kwargs)
File "C:\RoboDK\Library\Example-07.d-Drawing with a robot\svgpy\", line 3, in <module>
from collections import MutableSequence
ImportError: cannot import name 'MutableSequence' from 'collections' (C:\RoboDK\Python-Embedded\\collections\__init__.pyc)
Example 07.e Drawing with a robot doesn't work on my computer, i have tried Drawing with ABB IRB 4600-20/2.50, and finally it works. However, the drawing board cannot use my settings, always using the default drawing board, and after i put the drawing board on the conveyor, the robot becomes out of order. please help.
Are you using the Windows 64 bit installer of RoboDK?

Can you try deleting this folder:

And install again?
I understand you are now using this example, which runs correctly on your computer and uses svgpathtools:

To change its behaviour, you need to edit the Draw Python script in the station. You can set the source image, path color, board size, etc.

If issues persist, please share your complete station or request support with RoboDK→Help→Request Support.
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