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Kuka Robot connected but not moving

I am a novice in robotics, and after reading some discussions close to my problem, I decided to join the forum.
I use a Kuka KR10 R900-2 robot with the KRC4 compact controller.
I want to run the programs from the RoboDK software. So, I followed the procedures ( and to connect the robot (X66 connection) to my computer with an ethernet cable, it works. The 'Get Position' and 'Move Joints' commands in RoboDK also work fine. (When I move the robot by the SMART PAD, I can follow the movements on RoboDK).
The problem occurs when we want to use the option 'Run on Robot'. In fact, I have created a simple program (MoveJ) with paint gun (RoboDK library). The coordinates of the tool are X=0, Y=0, Z=200. So I have modified these values in the RoboDKsync35. I connected the robot, and click « Run on Robot » then « Run », the connection status change « working » but the robot doesn’t move. I restarted the robot but the problem is still present. And after verification, the values of the config file are modified by itself (INT COM_ACTION=2).
Also, it is possible that the problem comes from the orientation of the axes ? In fact, the orientation of the real axes (XYZ) of the robot and the axes (XYZ) of the robot on Robodk is not similar. I don't know how to modify them.. (euler angle of tool ?)
I have attached pictures to show my configuration on RoboDK and SmartPad.
If anyone can help me or give me an idea. Thank you.
NOTE : For information, on , there is a note : « Since 2020, new KUKA KRC4 controllers use Windows 10 IOT. If your controller is using Windows 10 you should stop the process nginx.exe before starting the KUKAVARPROXY application to allow using the port 7000. ». But I couldn’t find the file in the folder…

Attached Files Thumbnail(s)
You are saying that using "Move Joints" does move the robot?
But run on robot doesn't?

Hit " " on your keyboard to reach the dev/debug mode.
Then try "Run on robot", there should be more info on the log file. Send me a copy (I don't see the log very well on the image you sent)

After that, try to use a Joint target instead of a cartesian target (both should work, but I want to know if there's any difference).

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Hi Jeremy,

Thank you for your feedback.
Finally, after a few tests, I have fixed the problem.

Have a nice day.
What was the issue?

Find useful information about RoboDK and its features by visiting our Online Documentation and by watching tutorials on our Youtube Channel


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