Hello everyone,
First post here.
Excellent support I've seen from both Jeremy and Albert so I thought to ask a question in hopes one of you bright fellows can assist me.
I am currently 3D Printing with a Fanuc m710ic-45m and a pellet extruder.
I would like to better understand how I can adjust robodk to function as desired with respect to RPM control. At the moment, when I start my print the RPM goes quiet high, bringing the Torque % above the suggested 80% limit set by the OEM. It's extruding with about 75 RPM's give or take with this high torque value. I only need it to do maybe 20 at the most (for now).
Is it possible with Robodk to either set a cap on the RPM or even consider a static RPM? Preferably a cap as there are, of course, areas where we may not want extrusion. Even if it's static but simply doesn't extrude when it shouldn't, like a binary state with either, say, 20 rpm or no rpm, that could be okay as well. However, if a more refined solution exists, I'm all ears.
I have attached a very common image showing my options for the 3d printing on this particular project.
If you fine folks can help with this I will 3d print you a mug and fill it with an ice cold beer for you :D
First post here.
Excellent support I've seen from both Jeremy and Albert so I thought to ask a question in hopes one of you bright fellows can assist me.
I am currently 3D Printing with a Fanuc m710ic-45m and a pellet extruder.
I would like to better understand how I can adjust robodk to function as desired with respect to RPM control. At the moment, when I start my print the RPM goes quiet high, bringing the Torque % above the suggested 80% limit set by the OEM. It's extruding with about 75 RPM's give or take with this high torque value. I only need it to do maybe 20 at the most (for now).
Is it possible with Robodk to either set a cap on the RPM or even consider a static RPM? Preferably a cap as there are, of course, areas where we may not want extrusion. Even if it's static but simply doesn't extrude when it shouldn't, like a binary state with either, say, 20 rpm or no rpm, that could be okay as well. However, if a more refined solution exists, I'm all ears.
I have attached a very common image showing my options for the 3d printing on this particular project.
If you fine folks can help with this I will 3d print you a mug and fill it with an ice cold beer for you :D