I recently got the license for RoboDK and I wanted to control a KUKA arm using keyboard. I am using the provided sample
But the robot is not responsive to the keyboard press. If I give a specific value to 'key' and then run the program, the robot jerks. But it always goes back to its starting position. I am using KUKA-LBR-iiwa-14-R820. Is this an issue with the code? I tried with other robots too but had the same experience.
I tried this example from the python API documentation. I still got the same problem. Robot just jerks and thats it.
I recently got the license for RoboDK and I wanted to control a KUKA arm using keyboard. I am using the provided sample
# This macro allows moving a robot using the keyboard
# Note: This works on console mode only, you must run the PY file separately
# More information about the RoboDK API here:
# https://robodk.com/doc/en/RoboDK-API.html
# Type help("robolink") or help("robodk") for more information
from robolink import * # API to communicate with RoboDK
from robodk import * # basic matrix operations
RDK = Robolink()
# Arrow keys program example
# get a robot
robot = RDK.Item('', ITEM_TYPE_ROBOT)
if not robot.Valid():
print("No robot in the station. Load a robot first, then run this program.")
raise Exception("No robot in the station!")
print('Using robot: %s' % robot.Name())
print('Use the arrows (left, right, up, down), Q and A keys to move the robot')
print('Note: This works on console mode only, you must run the PY file separately')
# define the move increment
move_speed = 10
import msvcrt
while True:
key = ord(msvcrt.getch())
move_direction = [0,0,0]
if key == 75:
print('arrow left (Y-)')
move_direction = [0,-1,0]
elif key == 77:
print('arrow right (Y+)')
move_direction = [0,1,0]
elif key == 72:
print('arrow up (X-)')
move_direction = [-1,0,0]
elif key == 80:
print('arrow down (X+)')
move_direction = [1,0,0]
elif key == chr(113):
print('Q (Z+)')
move_direction = [0,0,10]
elif key == 97:
print('A (Z-)')
move_direction = [0,0,-1]
# make sure that a movement direction is specified
if norm(move_direction) <= 0:
# calculate the movement in mm according to the movement speed
xyz_move = mult3(move_direction, move_speed)
# get the robot joints
robot_joints = robot.Joints()
# get the robot position from the joints (calculate forward kinematics)
robot_position = robot.SolveFK(robot_joints)
# get the robot configuration (robot joint state)
robot_config = robot.JointsConfig(robot_joints)
# calculate the new robot position
new_robot_position = transl(xyz_move)*robot_position
# calculate the new robot joints
new_robot_joints = robot.SolveIK(new_robot_position)
if len(new_robot_joints.tolist()) < 6:
print("No robot solution!! The new position is too far, out of reach or close to a singularity")
# calculate the robot configuration for the new joints
new_robot_config = robot.JointsConfig(new_robot_joints)
if robot_config[0] != new_robot_config[0] or robot_config[1] != new_robot_config[1] or robot_config[2] != new_robot_config[2]:
print("Warning!! Robot configuration changed!! This will lead to unextected movements!")
# move the robot joints to the new position
I tried this example from the python API documentation. I still got the same problem. Robot just jerks and thats it.
from robolink import * # import the robolink library
RDK = Robolink() # connect to the RoboDK API (RoboDK starts if it has not started
robot = RDK.Item('', ITEM_TYPE_ROBOT) # Retrieve the robot
x_move = 2
y_move = 3
z_move = -1
# get the current robot joints
robot_joints = robot.Joints()
# get the robot position from the joints (calculate forward kinematics)
robot_position = robot.SolveFK(robot_joints)
# get the robot configuration (robot joint state)
robot_config = robot.JointsConfig(robot_joints)
# calculate the new robot position
new_robot_position = transl([x_move,y_move,z_move])*robot_position
# calculate the new robot joints
new_robot_joints = robot.SolveIK(new_robot_position)
if len(new_robot_joints.tolist()) < 6:
print("No robot solution!! The new position is too far, out of reach or close to a singularity")
# calculate the robot configuration for the new joints
new_robot_config = robot.JointsConfig(new_robot_joints)
if robot_config[0] != new_robot_config[0] or robot_config[1] != new_robot_config[1] or robot_config[2] != new_robot_config[2]:
print("Warning! Robot configuration changed: this may lead to unextected movements!")
# move the robot to the new position