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RoboDk connected to robot but only runs sub-programs but not main prog

Hi, I have connected RoboDK to a Kuka KR210 - L150 robot . I selected Run on robot and then Run after right-clicking a program. RoboDk moves the robot when running an individual program but not when a main program is selected. The connection remains on "Ready" and nothing happens.
Hi Curt,

Seems like there's an issue with the attachment.

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(11-27-2020, 01:39 PM)Jeremy Wrote: Hi Curt,

Seems like there's an issue with the attachment.


Hi Jeremy

Sorry about that, I have attached my station now. Note that when I connect to the KUKA robot, all individual programs (Mill_0A to Mill_05) runs perfectly on the KUKA robot. However, when right-clicking on the Main program and selecting "Run on robot" and the "Run" the connection status bar remains green with "Ready" displayed an nothing happens. When doing the same for any individual program, the connection status bar turns yellow and displays "Working.." and the robot moves. 
Please let me know if you have any suggestions?
Hi Curt, 

Again, there is nothing attached to your post. 

Anyway, can you make sure this option is activated?


Find useful information about RoboDK and its features by visiting our Online Documentation and by watching tutorials on our Youtube Channel

Hi All, 

I have found the solution. In order to run a main program with program calls on the robot directly by RoboDK, you first have to right click each program called by the main program and select "Run on Robot" 
. Thereafter right click the main program and select first "Run on Robot" and thereafter "Run". Obviously you first have to connect to Robot before doing the above.

Hi Curt,

Yeah, good point, I forgot to mention that.

Find useful information about RoboDK and its features by visiting our Online Documentation and by watching tutorials on our Youtube Channel


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