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Tool calibration robot Motoman MH80 controller DX100

i wanna calibrate the tcp of my robot. i am using robot motoman mh80 with torch already attached on it. i know robodk provide feature for calibration tool via online programming, but in my case, i cant connect my robot to robodk in online way. so, i did calibration manually on the pendant. here's the result of my manual calibration for tool 6: torch1.
and i have a example application that i got from my motoplus, its called Full API. so i could control/move the robot based on the degree or pulse of the joints and move the tcp incrementally. with the appliaction, i could assign tool i wanna use, it is tool 6, and move the tcp of the robot. i got the tcp could stay in the same position and i assume the calibrate satisfy with this application. and then, i tried with robodk to prove my calibration. i made a simple project that the robot just move with same positon but different posture/oriantation. i generate the program and run it on the robot, the result not the same with before. the tcp cannot go to the same postion that i want. i used 5 different oriantation/posture, and all of them make different position. I don't know which part is wrong. Can you tell me how I can fix this?

here's i attached the project. it has 5 program to do 5 different posture/oriantation  of the robot.

Best regards,


Attached Files
.rdk   Calibration tool.rdk (Size: 2.7 MB / Downloads: 6)
When working with Motoman robots in RoboDK, it is important to update the pulse per degree information using the ALL.PRM file.

You can find more information in our documentation:

Once imported, you can re-generate the programs from RoboDK.
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I have manually updated the pulse/degree information. However, the result is still incorrect. The reason why I updated the pulse/degree value manually is because I cannot import the ALL.PRM file. Every time I try to import the ALL.PRM file, this screen always appears.
Do you have any suggestions to solve this problem?
Please make sure you are using the latest version of RoboDK.
Also, it is necessary to set the Python-Embedded interpreter on the Tools - Options - Python tab:

I have updated the pulse/degree information to the correct value. However, when I run the program, the TCP still does not move as I want it to. I used 5 different oriantation/posture, and all of them make different position.
Can you share more information about this issue? Such as the targets that don't match, the joint values and pulse values seen by the controller, a picture of the robot position, a RoboDK project file with the targets you tested, etc.

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