i wanna calibrate the tcp of my robot. i am using robot motoman mh80 with torch already attached on it. i know robodk provide feature for calibration tool via online programming, but in my case, i cant connect my robot to robodk in online way. so, i did calibration manually on the pendant. here's the result of my manual calibration for tool 6: torch1.
and i have a example application that i got from my motoplus, its called Full API. so i could control/move the robot based on the degree or pulse of the joints and move the tcp incrementally. with the appliaction, i could assign tool i wanna use, it is tool 6, and move the tcp of the robot. i got the tcp could stay in the same position and i assume the calibrate satisfy with this application. and then, i tried with robodk to prove my calibration. i made a simple project that the robot just move with same positon but different posture/oriantation. i generate the program and run it on the robot, the result not the same with before. the tcp cannot go to the same postion that i want. i used 5 different oriantation/posture, and all of them make different position. I don't know which part is wrong. Can you tell me how I can fix this?
here's i attached the project. it has 5 program to do 5 different posture/oriantation of the robot.
Best regards,
i wanna calibrate the tcp of my robot. i am using robot motoman mh80 with torch already attached on it. i know robodk provide feature for calibration tool via online programming, but in my case, i cant connect my robot to robodk in online way. so, i did calibration manually on the pendant. here's the result of my manual calibration for tool 6: torch1.
and i have a example application that i got from my motoplus, its called Full API. so i could control/move the robot based on the degree or pulse of the joints and move the tcp incrementally. with the appliaction, i could assign tool i wanna use, it is tool 6, and move the tcp of the robot. i got the tcp could stay in the same position and i assume the calibrate satisfy with this application. and then, i tried with robodk to prove my calibration. i made a simple project that the robot just move with same positon but different posture/oriantation. i generate the program and run it on the robot, the result not the same with before. the tcp cannot go to the same postion that i want. i used 5 different oriantation/posture, and all of them make different position. I don't know which part is wrong. Can you tell me how I can fix this?
here's i attached the project. it has 5 program to do 5 different posture/oriantation of the robot.
Best regards,