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Merging programs

I am using a kawasaki robot that uses AS language. Is there a method of merging the program files that includes the program headers? I have tried inline subprograms option but the merged file is missing the subprogram names.

You can use this setting to automatically merge all subprograms with the same main program:
  • Select Tools-Options-Program
  • Check the option Inline Subprograms
Thanks Albert,

When i do that it seems to strip the header data .PROGRAM subprog1() from the sub programs. At the beginning there is still a .PROGRAM mainprog().

I am using if/then statements inside the program so then the if/then does not have a sub program to call
You should be able to write IF/THEN statements as code and the subprograms should still be inlined if they are program calls.

Can you provide a sample RDK file and the result you would expect?
Attached are the files, maybe i am overthinking it but i assumed inline programs would put all of the programs in the project or robot anyway into a single file. Maybe there is another way?


.txt   expected result.txt (Size: 855 bytes / Downloads: 433)
.txt   result with inline programming.txt (Size: 319 bytes / Downloads: 473)
.rdk   if then inline program.rdk (Size: 1.47 MB / Downloads: 1,840)
Looks like i was able to modify the program to get what i wanted but its a bit of some messing around and i need to move the .END from the EOF to the end of the main program. Could i get a copy of the post processor and modify it for the kawasaki?

Attached Files
.txt   if then inline program modified.txt (Size: 525 bytes / Downloads: 427)
.rdk   if then inline program modified.rdk (Size: 1.47 MB / Downloads: 558)
I was suggesting you split the logic as multiple program call and insert code instructions. See attached image image and RDK file. You can send us an email requesting the source code of the Kawasaki post processors and we can send them to you.

Attached Files
.rdk   If-then-inline-program-v2.rdk (Size: 1.47 MB / Downloads: 47,316)
Thanks Albert,

That would be much better than what i came up with.



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